Monday, June 25, 2007

Best Practices Q &A - Part 13

Question: “Our company does not have anyone in any of the leadership management positions with any prior experience in a major implementation project. What is the best way we can bridge this gap to insure a successful implementation?”

Answer: “There is nothing wrong, per se, with bringing in outside expertise to support your project. The issue is one of how is this person to be used – what role will he/she be assigned. In-house people on the team will be the experts on the company. The external person’s role is to help the team grow themselves to the point where they can meaningfully, effectively own the “to-be” business processes – after the implementation is successful. The best practice role of a person outside the organization is one of coaching, facilitation, and education – NOT being responsible for deliverables, milestones, go/no-go decisions that the like. There is no quick, easy way to escape the reality of experience the team has – the remedy is always education, coaching and extra trials to gain the needed experience.

Likewise, there is no escape from the fact that handing a project over to an external person WILL definitely shift responsibility and thus ownership away from internal leaders. Finally, remember that when any well motivated leader is leading a project where certain expertise may be lacking – that person WILL be paying attention during education sessions.”


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