Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Best Practices Q & A - Part 6

Question: “Last week you wrote about the Gallup study which showed that 75% of the 8,000 managers at the 400 companies studies were not actively engaged in their company’s purposes. This seems impossible, given that all of the companies are going concerns, even dominant in their fields. How is this even possible? It seems completely counter-intuitive.

Answer: “What this research shows, essentially, is the amount of potential improvement available to an organization, should it decide to improve in this area. All improvements are like this – they are something that is currently not being done, and if it were, would have a better result. Companies survive and thrive for many reasons, but the most important is to just be better than their competitors. It is the size of this latent, untapped potential that provides the endless opportunities for improvements, new Best Practices – whether done internally, or by a competitor.

Truly mediocre companies often survive for years, simply because no one else has entered the field. But when a better one does, the mediocre operations are doomed unless they change – fast. The corporate landscape is littered with the carcasses of once-dominant companies that are no longer with us. We’re sure you can think of many yourself. Just make sure your company is not among them by working relentlessly to generate improved practices, processes, and methods – true Best Practices for your company and industry.”

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