Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Proaction Approach to Best Practices

Companies and organizations can be grouped into three basic categories:

· Innovators – those who are literally at the leading edge of process development; often have failures associated with risk taking, but the "wins" are big enough to offset these.

· Best Practice seekers – those who work to achieve high performance with minimum risk; by adopting practices and methods already demonstrated to work well, typically in another company and/or industry.

· Strivers – below average performing companies that are working to "keep up with the pack."

Where is your company? Unless you are an innovator, operating at the leading edge in a number of areas, your company is vulnerable to someone else who is or becomes one.

A given company may be to some degree, in all three categories. To create an example, a company could be highly innovative in its go-to-market strategy and execution. At the same time, in its R&D and product development area, it could be utilizing known, proven best practices. In its manufacturing area, for a variety of reasons, this area could be characterized as a "striver" with significant areas that are well below known best practices.

Competition is increasingly global as most company leaders are all to aware. Consequently, those with foresight seek to achieve quantum improvements in their company’s performance.

The most powerful way is to seek out Best Practices and adopt them as quickly as possible. Those who follow this path often have been able to achieve substantial performance improvements.

PROACTION provides comprehensive assistance to bring proven Best Practices into use in a wide variety of areas. The Path to Best Practices is part process, part content. Simply knowing what a best practice is for a given area is just a starting point, of course. It must be implemented correctly to gain the expected operational and financial results.

We urge you to bookmark the PROACTION web site and return regularly, or better still, subscribe to our RSS feed. Valuable information available either at no cost in the Free White Paper section or our web site, or at very moderate cost in the PROACTION Best Practices e-Store is continually being expanded and updated. The next update could contain an item that proved very valuable for you and your team. Quick links:

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· PROACTION Best Practice e-Store

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