Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Best Practices Q & A - Part 14

Question: “Several of the people that appear to be the best choices for our implementation project have worked at this company their whole career. How do we bridge the gap for these otherwise good folks between the ‘way we’ve always done things’ and the new Best Practices that we hope to bring into operation with the new system?”

Answer: “While the first impulse answer is ‘education,’ in reality it is ‘support.’ These folks must feel secure in their place in the company, in their jobs and roles, to be able to embrace changing how they look at things, how the work is done. No amount of education, to an unwilling, threatened or frightened person will stick. The more it is pushed on them, the more they will tend to fight back, to resist, defending the status quo. Naturally, this is the opposite of what you want to accomplish. If your leadership pays quality attention to these seemingly non-business, yet essential needs, these people may become the champions you need to lead the change because they are often very loyal to the company and really want to see it succeed now and in the future.”

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