Friday, July 6, 2007

Implementation: Conference Room Pilot Preparations

Article Summary: In previous newsletter articles, we focused on the “front-end” of an implementation project, including setting up clear top management support, involvement and communication, and selecting a Best Practice implementation project team. When these are accomplished with Best Practice methods and principles, the team is, at this point, operating in a low-risk field – so far, so good.

In this article, we discuss preparation for a Best Practice Conference Room Pilot. This includes making sure the team itself is sufficiently educated and trained, and that the CRP itself is sufficiently organized. In our next issue, we will discuss the detailed implementation preparation activities, the “dress rehearsal” aspect of the CRP – where the rubber hits the road before the rubber really hits the road – and the Go-Live preparations critical to success.

Topics include:
  • Education and Training for a CRP
  • CRP – the Dress Rehearsal
  • CRP facility – organizing for success

Education and Training for a CRP

The first step in this area is to clearly separate education from training. Briefly, in the context of implementation, the purpose of education includes:
  • New concepts – these are underlying thought processes, and assumed understanding that is embedded in the Best Practices integral to the new software. The implementation team must clearly understand these if it is to be effective in the CRP process and implementation preparation that is at the core of the CRP. Often these are different ways of looking at things, different perceptions. If one doesn’t understand these, there can be a real crippling effect, as people (unintentionally) try and force-fit the new software to work the “old” way.
  • Example – many problems associated with implementations of material planning (MRP) functions stem from the fact that those using it have not been adequately educated in MRP concepts. Effectively using software delivering MRP capabilities has a poor chance of succeeding if the users are blindly clicking on buttons and following rote procedures. A person who truly understands the concepts involved with a particular software function can almost figure out how the software works on their own.
  • Precedes and informs detailed planning – if those who are planning the project truly understand the concepts behind the business processes, and the revised, more effective work flows that will come with the software, the steps from “here” to “there” will be considerably shorter and more direct.
  • Speeds up detailed, hands-on training – As was just mentioned, the actual amount of detailed, hands-on training needed to become proficient with the software is a small fraction of that required to “teach” rote-style, how a person is to do their job with the new system. We have observed people like this taking notes that say “hit the down arrow 3 times, then press Enter…” and the like. Frightening, from a management point of view! As MRP legend, George Plossl said many years ago “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!”
Ideally, education of the core project team precedes the business process analysis and software selection process discussed in the preceding chapters. If it has, so much the better. If not, start now. In any case, though, the education process should be expanded to include others in the company who will be using or otherwise involved in the system. The implementation planning process that is the core of the CRP includes a detailed education and training plan for all who will be using the new system’s functions.

For the complete article, please visit the PROACTION website "Conference Room Pilot Preparations".


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